How Paraphrasing Tools Improve ChatGPT-Generated AI Content?

How Paraphrasing Tools Improve ChatGPT Generated AI Content

Writers use ChatGPT to generate content during the writer’s block phase when they are unable to think of creative ideas. Using ChatGPT gives them ideas and/or a piece of text to start writing from instead of a blank document sheet.

However, AI-generated content isn’t publish-ready when it comes straight out of the tool. It requires thorough proofreading and making the necessary changes. Paraphrasing tools can help writers go through this phase promptly.

A paraphrasing tool paraphrases the same text in different words with different sentence structures and styles while keeping the original meaning intact. But how can it improve ChatGPT-generated content? Read on to know how!

Correct Plagiarised Content.

When a website publishes plagiarised content, it negatively impacts its ranking and overall SEO. Unique content is the only way to rank better on search results.

If you have ChatGPT-generated content, there may be certain plagiarised parts. Since it is important to create unique content, you can manually rewrite those parts yourself, swap synonyms, and rearrange sentences to remove plagiarism.

However, this requires a lot of time. Plus, it is pretty difficult to be done by beginner writers. Alternatively, paraphrasing tools can be used to paraphrase plagiarised content.

To do it yourself, find a reliable paraphrasing tool first. Once done, give the tool plagiarized content and click on the Paraphrase button. The tool will automatically make the necessary changes to make the content unique.

To give you an example, we have used (here is the link to the tool: As you can see in the image below, the tool paraphrases the given content in an all-new, unique manner.

Make Text Clearer and Readable.

ChatGPT often uses complex terminologies, words, and sentence structure in the content they generate. However, not all readers can understand such language.

In addition, AI tools sometimes repeat the same phrases and/or information within the same piece of content. This is called redundancy and isn’t considered good. Readers don’t like to read the same thing that they have already read.

Paraphrasers can help writers make the content clearer and more readable. These tools not only remove repetitive phrases or information but also replace complex words and terminologies with easy-to-read equivalents.

As a result, the content is no longer repetitive or clunky. It becomes a lot smoother and easier to understand with a good flow and readability score.

Here is how a makes content more readable:

Adjust Content Tone and Style.

Content is written for a particular audience segment, and it follows a a particular tone and style as per each segment of targeted people.

For example, if you’re writing a blog post on parenting, the tone should be friendly, and if it is an industry magazine article, the tone has to be professional and formal.

ChatGPT can generate content in a specific tone, but it can only do so when you specify it in the given prompt. However, there are times when you’re unable to clarify this and end up creating content in a different tone than the desired one.

Well, don’t worry. You can use paraphrasing tools here, too, to adjust the tone and style of your content. All you need is to choose the paraphrasing mode, such as ‘Formal’ to paraphrase text in a formal tone or any other that suits your audience.

Here is how a paraphrasing tool can paraphrase text from a ‘casual’ to a ‘formal’ tone:

But why is the right tone important? Have you ever exercised while listening to music? Our brain synchronizes with the rhythms of the music. While dreamy love songs slow us down, happy songs make us move faster.

Just like the rhythms of songs synchronize our brains, the tone and style of your content make your readers feel the ‘rhythm’ through the words. You can make them perform certain actions, like buying a product, etc., through the right tone.


Paraphrasing tools help improve ChatGPT-generated content in many ways. They can make it unique, clear, and suited to the right audience.

ChatGPT can sometimes produce text with complex words, redundant phrases, or even plagiarized parts. Paraphrasing tools rewrite it in different yet simple words to make it easy to read, understand, and memorize.

They also help adjust the tone and style of the content to match the target audience. You can use different tones such as friendly, formal, or others.

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