Dwell Time and its impact on SEO

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the webpage experience of the user plays a very significant role. Dwell Time is one of the important factors that search engines, especially Google and Bing, consider when ranking your website.
What is Dwell Time?
Dwell Time refers to the length of time a user spends on a website before returning to the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). For instance, if you want to purchase an air fryer online, you will google it and get a list of websites from which you can order it. The Amazon website comes on top of the results page and you click on it to browse further. As you continue to surf on Amazon for about 15 minutes, comparing different brands and prices, you conclude that you were unable to find the air fryer that you wanted withing your desired price range. As a result, you go back to the main results page. These 15 minutes, the time that you spent on Amazon before returning back to the results page is called Dwell Time.
In most cases, the more time the consumer ends on the website or webpage, the more likely it is for the consumer to purchase a product or engage in a service. But in some cases, when you are searching for metric results for example, if you are searching for the population of the US, a quick glance at the highlighted number on the results page is enough to give you the information that you need. In such instances, the short time spent has a negative correlation with consumer satisfaction, i.e., the lesser time spent, the higher the consumer satisfaction.
Once you log into Google Analytics, it provides you with the ‘Average Session Duration’ which is the average time a user spends on your website once they land on your webpage.
What is Bounce Rate?
When reading a blog or article online, the website may ask you to register yourself or subscribe for more content, or will ask you to register in order for you to be able to read the full article. As a result, it may provide you with a CTA link. The link would then provide you with a form in which you fill in your demographic details.
Bounce rate refers to the percentage of users that exit the webpage without taking any action such as filling out a form, clicking on a link, etc. It highly impacts your Google first page ranking. A high bounce rate may indicate website issues such as page layout, navigation, etc. Once these issues are sorted, you can prevent users from bouncing, which results in an increase in conversion rates.
Dwell Time VS Bounce Rate
Though both the terms may have similar definitions, bounce rate does not necessarily indicate consumer satisfaction. One can go through a website for several minutes without clicking on any CTA links and still be satisfied with the content or even vice versa. As a result, Dwell Time is a good indicator to understand whether or not the consumer is satisfied with the content presented.
What is the impact of Dwell Time in SEO?
Understanding users and providing them with the type of content they require is most important when it comes to SEO.
A high Dwell Time indicates that the user is satisfied with the information provided. Having the right keywords, proper page layout, navigation, etc. Can result in overall user satisfaction.
Here at Valasys, consumer satisfaction is of outmost importance. We believe in “Empowering Marketers with Powerful Insights”.
We focus on providing exemplary and customized B2B marketing and sales solutions with the help of our team of experts, sales and marketing professionals, data analysts, and marketers and have worked with well clients and helped them grow and flourish.
For more information, feel free to contact us.