Everything you need to know about T-shaped Marketer


Over the past few years, the surge in the popularity of the marketing domain has led to a wide-scoped landscape for digital marketers. One of the prime reasons for the boost of digital marketing is the array of approaches used to reach the target audience.

For instance, you can reach the audience via google ads search, through the cookies tracking of the website to retarget the same site visitors through social media, display, or any other form of ads. You can derive their email ids through any put-up offer and run an email campaign to keep them engaged with you.

Bulk email verification is essential for ensuring the success of email marketing campaigns and maintaining a positive brand image, which aligns with the responsibilities of a T-shaped marketer. T-shaped marketers, on the other hand, bring versatility, collaboration, innovation, and strategic thinking to marketing teams, complementing the efforts of specialists in various marketing domains. Together, they contribute to the overall effectiveness of marketing strategies and campaigns.

Digital marketing is a vast horizon of marketing to choose from when opting to enter the industry.

  • Social media marketing
  • Influencer marketing
  • PPC ads (Pay-per-Click advertising)
  • Content marketing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Web development

…and the list goes on. With this broad spectrum to pick from and various tools for every type, how can one settle for that one select marketing specialization?

When any organization pulls up a marketing strategy, it is likely to put to use multiple of the above-mentioned strategies. This method is traditionally called the “Marketing mix”.

Hence, T-shaped marketing and T-shaped marketers came into being.

Who or what is a T-shaped marketer?

A T-shaped marketer is someone who has expertise in 1/3rd of the main marketing aspects.

This means that a marketer may be good at content marketing, and they might also have a proven record of enhancing the content and bringing up content strategies, email marketing, building community, and SEO, but not so much with Pay-per-click ads or any paid ad campaigns, or any other marketing aspect.

The above image is an illustration of what a T-shaped marketer is.

The horizontal line of the “T” is the comprehensive or general knowledge about marketing on the whole. It is something the marketer is familiar with, and has a broad knowledge of the same, but his expertise does not lie in it.

And then there is the vertical line of the “T” that illustrates the in-depth knowledge of at least one aspect of Marketing.

T-shaped marketers are no marketing experts, they are rather generalists focused on one single expertise.

They can take an overview of the whole marketing strategy, and comprehend all of it, even though they themselves have done a handful of PPC drives in their earlier times. That is exactly what makes them of greater value.

How to become a T-shaped Marketer?

One of the good things about becoming a T-shaped marketer is that you do not have to decide to become one pronto. It is a step-by-step process and here’s how you can become a T-shaped Marketer:

Virtual learning:

Explore more about the diverse marketing domains with the free online courses. Also, take up as much knowledge as you can about digital marketing.

Online ad managers are one of the most extensively used areas. Set up and explore how ad campaigns work and run on Google or Social media. The skill sets will broaden as you write more and more compelling ad copies for paid ads. You will also learn to analyze the data to comprehend the reach and progress of the campaigns.

Explore growth hacking tools

Originate some skills for growth hacking with ad spy tools, keeping track of competitors’ ad data that can aid to create the ads that will outdo the competitors’.

Look out for opportunities

Once you lay your hands on the diverse tools of marketing, you will be eligible for real-time job opportunities.

One suggested way to enhance your T-shaped marketers’ skills is to land yourself a job at a startup where you can explore more diverse aspects of marketing.

These jobs are no easier gig to get especially not for the freshers, for these job roles require a significant amount of experience.

Real-time experience with mentors

Getting a digital internship is one of the basic and suitable ways to become a T-shaped marketer. Working with a competent mentor, an intern gets to work on diverse marketing projects thus receiving exposure to a vast landscape of marketing.

Why choose to become a T-shaped marketer?

T-shaped marketers are the best ones to articulate well-integrated strategies. To yield better results for successful customer experiences, interlinking a fine plan for SEO or curating a creative social media plan is the key. Specialty marketers bring a lot of knowledge and value to their own niche, but when in silage, it restricts the customer experience quality. T-shaped markets ace to strategizing across the board. They also have expertise in collaborating with diverse marketing and external teams to help define much clearer objectives.

Being able to work alongside diverse teams, such as sales, avails to gain more deep insights to enhance the marketing perspective and add to the existing bank of marketing know-how.

Setting aside the current role, indulging in a T-marketer’s role is quite the career escalation to climb the corporate ladder of marketing.

Final thoughts

T-shaped marketing is no cakewalk. It demands continued personal growth and the right efforts in the right place. Nevertheless, striving towards this objective will only enhance the vital skills and knowledge to take the marketing game to a whole new level.

When it comes to planning out marketing strategies, companies are constantly looking out for T-shaped marketers to pave the way.

Think of it in this way: who would you rely upon to be in the driver’s seat for challenging situations in a marketing environment? The most comprehensively adaptable person will do the job!

Being a T-shaped marketer is not only just about becoming a generalist, and neither is being consigned to 1 single expert with zero knowledge and experience of the vast domain!

Niranjana Dhumal
Niranjana Dhumal
A zealous technical content writer and the author of a list of diverse content online. Her creative and technical experience has given her a new form of writing experience with which her writeups accommodate the readers. As a people person, she believes in a perpetual commutation of information.

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