Omnichannel Marketing for B2B Marketers Is Quintessential: Here’s Why
Only 25% B2B marketers are Currently Leveraging Omnichannel Marketing Reveals “The State of Demand Generation Report” by HipB2B & Ascend 2
Omnichannel marketing for B2B marketers has become absolutely quintessential & is increasingly yielding positive results. An omnichannel approach helps B2B marketers in optimizing their demand generation endeavors and maybe the key to success.
In search of new ways to generate qualified leads and boost ROI, B2B marketers are increasingly turning to omnichannel marketing techniques. HipB2B found that only 25% of B2B marketers are leveraging omnichannel techniques, but they expect these tactics will help them improve lead quality (43%), increase ROI/sales (43%), and increase brand awareness (41%).
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According to a recent survey, omnichannel marketing is on the rise among B2B marketers. A solid majority (47%) of B2B marketers say they are currently employing their product marketing budget to execute their omnichannel program, while 33% utilize their demand generation budget and 29% leverage their content budget. Only 20% of the marketers have an omnichannel specific budget and only 25% percent of B2B marketers are currently leveraging omnichannel marketing tactics. Evidently, executing an omnichannel program remains a challenge for B2B marketers.
How To Leverage Data To Your Competitive Advantage?
B2B marketers leveraging existing data may be able to gain a competitive advantage by implementing an omnichannel strategy.
Nearly three-quarters of B2B marketers reported that they are able to generate higher quality leads (74%) and engage better with accounts (72%) when implementing an omnichannel strategy, according to the MRP “ABM Success Report”
As B2B marketers increase their investment in omnichannel strategies, they’re also finding other ways to gain an advantage. According to previous research conducted by MRS, those who have the ability to access account-based data will have an edge when it comes to serving their customers end-to-end.
Omnichannel marketing for B2B marketers means registering a seamless and streamlined omnichannel presence. This can help them better stretch their limited budgets and ensure users are satisfied with the efforts. These improvements come from cross-channel data collection and enhanced personalization based on the results.
Combine the elements of a complex data network with a customer-centric lens, and B2B businesses can become fully equipped to generate an exceptional customer experience. Don’t rush the process — at each step in the customer journey, consider how customers are interacting with your brand and how you can make their overall experience better.
About HipB2B
HIPB2B is a leading digital demand generation solution provider for B2B technology companies. Their platform, OmniChannel, takes the traditional lead gen client-customer relationship to the next level by utilizing data and insights to analyze and continuously improve campaigns from development to delivery.
About Ascend 2
Ascend2 is a research and content marketing firm that helps business-to-business companies and agencies generate high-quality sales leads using original market research. They minimize the time, risk, and cost of lead generation by providing you with granular buyer personas, optimizing your online visibility, creating content and demand generation campaigns, and delivering the most collaborative platform in the industry to help you get the results you need.